How to be happy when depressed[Practical ways:2024]


How to be happy when depressed

So you have come to learn how to be happy when depressed ,Right Lets start with a secret hack, I can understand that as you depress you become anxious so we need to remove that anxiety first before we do anything otherwise there is high chance that those methods will be just read and never executed..

  • buy a vpn numper using any app like textnow
  • use the voice changer using apps
  • call the guy who is the most responsible for your anxiety
  • without revealing your identity empty your outburst on him,he will never know who was that and on the same time your anxiety will get empty for now.
  • At last while cutting the call just tell him his name xyz different from his real name,and say oh no, aren’t you xyz,i think i dialled the wrong number.
  • By doin this he will also get out from any guilty thoughts.
  • you will better now for sometime,it will work but its temporary.
  • For removing depression permanently read below,lets start

How to be happy when depressed [the permanent solution]

This solution will take some time but if done consistently it will eliminate any kind of depression permanently.

I hope you have done the temporary solution,it will just take 5-10 mins but will help you to try the permanent solution with an easy mind.

Solution 1:Gratititude kills depression

If you watch out for whatever good things have happened to you and focus on whatever amazing thins you have,you will start feeling better.

I understand that feeling gratitude for those who hurts you is next to impossible so in starting only focus on those whose actually your well wisher or on objects which actually helps you.

  1. Create a list of all the good things you have 
  2. imagine that all the list things has gone,the god has taken that from you
  3. Now pray to god please give them back
  4. The god answered your prayer and admit that he will give it back but under one condition.
  5. the condition is that be gratitude for whatever you have as there are many who crave for these things but not have


Solution:2 Set small goals for today and achieve it, it will make you happy

Keep a big goal but you need to understand hierarchy to better focus on your goal without getting depressed.

As for achieving every goal you need to achieve goals under them like for being a good football player you need good diet, workout, techniques learning book, time and under these goals also there is hierarchy in them like in diet which diet,whats calorie deficit,how to loose fat build muscles,how to increase cardio strength,flexibility,agility and under them hierarchy too,the list goes deep.

So i have not told this to scare you but to let you understand that whatever goal you have chosen like suppose making money for now will have to go through many goals under them.

If you focus on the main goal and start working then its high chance that it will not be achieved even in a week.

so its best to divide complete goals in parts by the smallest one and try to attack on the smallest goal for now which will be easily achievable in a day, if you do that depression will be naturally kicked out of the door and you will start feeling happy that you are getting closer towards the goal.

  1. Dont just set goal,set complete hierarchy
  2. focus on the smallest goal and reach to the top after every goal achievement

Note – Everything is a goal,so whatever things are making you depressed make it as a hierarchial goal and start solving,it will eliminate most  of the depression which was coming because of that tasks.

At last if you are still struggling with depressed mind you can tell us your exact cause on our newsletter, we will try our best to give the exact solution because sometimes after knowing the exact cause we can solve it immediately.

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