1800 calories diet plan with budget and benefits


After researching whole web,top books and asking most healthy peoples around me i came to a conclusion to create the best diet which worked for me which is under budget and easily available under 1800 calorie.

It will boost the health while maintaing weight and other best criteria tof fitness.So Lets start how and see how it goes.

Main Items needed

Timing Based

There are 3 time which you need to consider and consume exactly at the same time for consuming calories for getting extra 25% calories intake reduction.

It means you can eat 2000 calories and still be in calorie deficit around less than 1800 calories,so keep that in mind.


The morning is extremely important main the time of sunrise,As its said that our system is linked with the solar system and universe.

So of if eat the the time of sunrise the heat frequency is pretty high and it helps burning the food fast and full,you can take approximate 600-700 calories here


The Afternoon should be lighter than the breakfast as the heat of the sun starting to go down from its peak potential

although its still recommended to eat more here but lesser than the breakfast,you can take approximate 400-500 calories here


the best time here to eat is the time of sunset as its said that while ending anything a burst of heat or energy gets spread so this is again the right time to go little heavy 

so approximately you can take another 500-600 calories here

Breakdown of formula

Now lets see what we can include in the our 1800 calorie diet plan to maintain best health

For best health as you may know you need micro and macro nutrients in correct amount,so your diet must include them while maintaing same calorie deficit.so lets —

Micro nutrients

Within micro nutrients mainly we need protein,fats and carbs,According to the scientific researches we need 50-60% carbs,30-40% protein and 20-30% fats

Macro nutrients

Within macronutrients we have vitamins and minerals which we need to take ,the correct amount of all of them is mentioned in the list so we just need to choose the foods to eat while maintainig the correct amount of vitamins and minerals in it

diet plan with all things we mentioned

now lets come one by one and at last we would be having all the foods needed

  1. Soyabean chunks ( Easily Available,52.6 gm protein per 100gm,approx 350 calories 
  2. Cucumber(Lowest calorie,high fibre)
  3. Nuts(peanuts,chickpeas)
  4. Peanut butter(health & tasty)
  5. Water
  6. Bread/chapati
  7. vegetables(as per requirement)
  8. Eggs(Its A superfood)

Thats it,this list has been created after keeping in mind the priority on the cheapest but healthiest option and still covering all the micro and macronutrients needed for our body 


For a quick look on how much requirement is there of each micro and macronutrients everyday,have a look at this simple chart and include the above list items accordingly

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