Proper goal setting will only ensure whether you will complete that goal or leave it at one point like 99% people does.
The goal setting technique which we are going to reveal in this blogpost will always differentiate you from the competition while increasing productivity,hence ensuring that you will succeed guaranteed.
In starting phase of the journey most people neglect its power,this only gives clarity and stubborn aim which will help anyone complete the tasks whatever they want.
Most people are distracted, what they do is they do one task and then after some time while leaving that task switch to another and hence the they never succeed because they never worked towards same goal by completing the same task.
Its a very common issue,i will clarify exactly inside the blog to get rid of this situation
Goal setting: the beginning and end of success
There are actually seven steps to create and design a goal in such process that your mind and the vibrations of universe will make sure you complete that goal.
Create a Definite goal by avoiding fuzzy goals
What most people does is they always speak like wishes,they always tell i want money,i want to be health,i need friends,these goals have no direction and if something has no direction its unreacheable as it has no entry and exit point.
Clarity is the no 1 aspect of success in any field any subject any world, those who are unclear about their goal will never reach their because success doesn’t come by luck.
So the question is how can we set clear goals?
We can set clear goals by exactly writing exact thing we want, like “i want a Ferrari SF90 Stradale car”.
Thats a perfect written goal.Your goal should be so accurate and clear that eve a 5 year old child can understand that without confusion.
If you desire for fuzzy goals like i want happiness then its too vague and confusing,happiness can be different for different individuals,someone gets happiness by hurting other people while someone gets it by helping people,someone with a million dollar is unhappy because her girlfriend cheated on her while someone with 0 bucks in bank account is unhappy because he has no money but her gf spends money on him.
so your prayer or your desire vibrational energy will never reach to the root of universe and hence it will be unanswered and your goal will never gets completed.
so the very first step of success is creating a clear definite goal like “i want to earn 10342$”.
Set a deadline to create urgency within your subconscious mind
Setting a deadline is so important in goal setting that without it your whole system will collapse ,it will get surrounded in maze even after setting a definite goal.Not only that it inserts an urgency within the system so that even the universe and you mind take it very seriously.
One thing to note is that its not certain that your goal will get completed within this deadline, it can be completed before this date or after this date, this deadline is just an estimation.
If its not completed within this time period just change and increment the deadline.
Write your definite goal with deadline on paper
In digital world where we have forgotten to write as we mostly type but writing them down is very important for a reason.
Typing on a sheet inside screen has no tangible form and no vibrational energy so that’s unable to transmit and send signals to the universe and law of attraction will not work,your goal will never reach the correct place from where it gets manifested and come into a form to you.
So its very important that you write it down on a paper and keep it with you to remind yourself by reading before sleep and after awaking because that’s the time when your superconscious mind is mostly alert and able to to take in and insert deeply, processing all the methods and ways to give you correct results .
To -do list for that goal
Now think of all the actions you need to take all the problems you will face all the skills you need all the people you need and write them down.
The longer the list the clearer your goal and easier for you too make plan,Invest the time here,its worth it,whatever actions you need to take just write it down and see the magic , , as the list gets longer and longer, your subconscious will feed you all the actions you need to take.
Lastly don’t get afraid by watching the length of lists,you don’t have to do all.But these will help to flush out every important actions which are hidden inside you only and you don’t give a damn on it which are the hidden gems.
Planning with priorities and sequence
Now You need to arrange the complete list of actions according to the priorities and sequence.
You can use google sheets or excel to rearrange the lists in order easily using them.
Categorize them in A,B,C,D,E to do it easily otherwise you will waste lots of time going up and down further the pages rereading all the stuff.
Although that 5 category will do but you can go even further like A1 A2 etc because lists will be huge.
Maintain efficiency by giving them category and arranging by priority and sequence.
Its time for the most productive Action
What happens is we mostly do tasks which will give very less output or many times we leave task halfway or at 70%,consciously we don’t understand but it happens most of the times which is the main reason you don’t reach your main goal fast.
Action part is the most important and there only we will take help of all the previous plans and list we have built.
After waking every morning the first action we need to take is watch the to do list for our main goal whatever we had set and arranged priority and sequence wise.
After watching complete list Ask yourself which action among them are the most important and can help me reach my goal in the best way and least time.
Add them to your main todo list as no 1 and like that only ask what’s the 2nd one and like wise add up to 5 or 10
Now you know which action you need to take, now no need to wait, no need to procrastinate just make a plan to do those actions within first 10 minutes of your day and keep doing this task until its completed.
If the task is so longer that can’t be completed within a day break them into parts and complete at least 1 part and don’t stop until its completed.
Completing the most important task within the first instance if your day will give an immense boost and self confidence that rest other tasks within your whole day will feel energized and gets completed easily.